Medical Solution & Services
About Us
Medical Solution & Services
Our Services
Medical Solution & Services

Company Presentation

MSS Medical Solution & Services s.r.l. is a company founded in 2017 with the aim of providing products and innovative solutions in the Italian Healthcare System.
MSS s.r.l. was created with the aim of offering an innovative and customizable solution for the specialties of Digestive Endoscopy and Interventional Pneumology.
MSS s.r.l. presents and distributes products supplied by prestigious multinationals that are characterized by being at the forefront of the Healthcare sector.

Our Services

MSS s.r.l. deals with the wholesale of disposable medical devices, high-quality medical equipment and products, innovation and technology, providing a technical, organizational and logistic service aimed at satisfying the needs of hospital and healthcare operators. The reference market is mainly made up of public and private bodies and hospitals, with particular attention to the following specializations:



  • Ethical Code

    Ethics in business is of fundamental importance for the proper functioning and credibility of a company. MSS
    intends to transform knowledge and appreciation of the ethical values that it follows into a competitive

  • ISO 9001 Certification

    Certificate issued to MSS S.r.l, valid for the following scope: Trade, distribution and assistance of medical
    devices relevant to the specialty of digestive

  • Politica per la Qualità

  • Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo

  • Privacy and Whistleblowing

    The Privacy Policy allows you to better understand what data we collect and why we collect it.

    For the protection of the whistleblower, i.e. the person who reports, discloses or reports to the judicial or accounting authority, violations of national or EU regulatory provisions. Report using this link


    MSS srl Medical Solution & Services

  • placeholder-for-map-1Via Mattei 20, 31030 – Dosson di Casier (TV)

Medical Solution
and Services
